The Aqua Health Pool Zonecomprises a wood shower, bench jet, hydro jet, whole body massage pool, floating pool, mushroom jet system and a massage spa among others. A snack area is also provided inside the zone allowing you to enjoy various types of food while relaxing in the thermal waters.

Wood Shower

The pressure from the current of falling water massages the neck and shoulders and is effective in relieving muscle stiffness.

Bench Jet

In this seat-shaped pool, the current from underwater jets massages the hips, soles of the feet and legs, relieves muscle stiffness and is effective for recovery from fatigue.

Hydro Jet

Water jets massage each part of the body while in a standing position in the pool.

Whole Body Massage

Nozzles installed at various heights and directions massage all parts of the body beginning from the feet. Strong water pressure is changed to a more gentle pressure by pumping air into the nozzles.

Mushroom Jet System

The pressure of a falling current of water helps to gently relieve muscle stiffness in the shoul-ders and neck.